Conference presentations

ŠIMKOVÁ, KAROLÍNA; WIMMER, JEFFREY (2025) “A horde of elephants in the room: Perceived threats to Czech media landscape”, ReMeD Conference, Prague, Czech Republic (10-11 February 2025).

DOUDAKI, VAIA (2025) “Techno-pessimistic and techno-optimistic visions of surveillance and resistance in Europe”, ReMeD Conference, Prague, Czech Republic (10-11 February 2025).

CARPENTIER, NICO; MICONI, ANDREA (2025) “Imaginings of the Future of Conflict and Communication Technologies: From Armed to Democratic Conflict”, ReMeD Conference, Prague, Czech Republic (10-11 February 2025).

HROCH, MILOS (2025) “Futures of algorithms and choices: Structuration of algorithmic imaginaries and digital platforms in Europe”, ReMeD Conference, Prague, Czech Republic (10-11 February 2025).

DOUDAKI, VAIA; CARPENTIER, NICO (2025) “Conditions of possibility for democratic media in Europe”, ReMeD Conference, Prague, Czech Republic (10-11 February 2025).

CARPENTIER, NICO (2025) “Political struggles over media’s democratic roles: A discursive-material approach”, ReMeD Conference, Prague, Czech Republic (10-11 February 2025).

CARPENTIER, NICO (2024) “Imaginings of the Future of Conflict and Communication, Technologies: A Map of Six Anxiety- and Hope-Driven Scenarios”, ECREA Conference, Ljubljana, Slovenia (24-27 September 2024).

CARPENTIER, NICO (2024) “PARifying Citizen Parliaments –The Reconciliation of Two Participatory Models”, Mapping Media for Future Democracies – MeDeMap, Fourth Plenary Meeting, Jagiellonian University, Kraków, Poland (18 – 20 September 2024).

HROCH, MILOŠ (2024) “Czech Citizen Parliament Participant Recruitment Strategies”, Mapping Media for Future Democracies – MeDeMap, Fourth Plenary Meeting, Jagiellonian University, Kraków, Poland (18 – 20 September 2024).

CARPENTIER, NICO (2024) “Democratic Hybridities: A Model to Emphasize Struggles of Democracy and Media”, Mapping Media for Future Democracies – MeDeMap, Fourth Plenary Meeting, Jagiellonian University, Kraków, Poland (18 – 20 September 2024).

DOUDAKI, VAIA (2024) “Conditions of possibility for democratic media”, Mapping Media for Future Democracies – MeDeMap, Fourth Plenary Meeting, Jagiellonian University, Kraków, Poland (18 – 20 September 2024).

CARPENTIER, NICO (2024) “Democratic hybridities: A Model to Emphasize Struggles of Democracy and Media”, 7th Conference on Communication, Culture and Media Studies (CCCMS), Universitas Islam Indonesia, Yogyakarta, Indonesia (28 – 29 August 2024), invited keynote.

CARPENTIER, NICO (2024) “Imaginings of the Future of Conflict and Communication Technologies: From Armed to Democratic Conflict”, IAMCR conference, Christchurch, New Zealand (30 June – 4 July 2024).

Doudaki, Vaia (2024) Imagining futures of un/democratic surveillance and resistance in Europe through collaborative scenario building, IAMCR conference, Christchurch, New Zealand (30 June – 4 July 2024).

Carpentier, Nico (2024) The Struggle over Participation: How to Rescue Participation from the Online Media Practices and Critiques, Communication as Co-Creation IAMCR preconference, Western Sydney University, Sydney, Australia (27 June 2024), invited keynote.

Carpentier, Nico (2024) The Contingency of Media’s Democratic Roles: A Discursive-Material Perspective, ICA conference, Gold Coast, Australia (20-24 June 2024).

Costabile, Gerardo Nicoletta (2024) The Nature of the Mezzogiorno: A decolonial-degrowth approach on Environmental Communication of/on Southern Italy. Media Mondays II, Media and Area Studies (MARS), Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic. (25 March 2024)

Yüksek, Derya (2023) Media Power, Critique, and Participation: Transformative Dimensions. Media Mondays I, Media and Area Studies (MARS), Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic. (16 October 2023).

Carpentier, Nico (2023) To look into the eyes of the non-human other: The Wolf Talks arts-based research intervention, “The art of thinking like a mountain”: Empathy for nature and non-human beings Seminar, Department of Fine Arts, Cyprus University of Technology, Limassol, Cyprus. (28 January 2023).

Carpentier, Nico (2023) Guest lecture, Multimodal Projects in Communication and Media Studies: Creation, Exhibition and Publication, Department of Mass Communication, Forman Christian College, Lahore, Pakistan. (16 February 2023).

Carpentier, Nico (2023) Discursive Struggles over the Environment: An Ideological Map, ICA conference, Toronto, Canada (25-29 May 2023).