Doing Research in an Epoch of Ecological Unravelling (May 2024) — A masterclass organised by the Oriental Institute at the Czech Academy of Sciences and hosted by CULCORC.

“Water Beings: From Nature Worship to the Environmental Crisis” (October 2023)— A book presentation organised by Gerardo Costabile Nicoletta to meet and discuss Veronia Strang’s latest publication, Water Beings: From Nature Worship to the Environmental Crisis, which is especially interesting for environmental humanities scholars, anthropologists and in general for those who are interested in the semiotics of nature.

PhD Course on Discourse Studies and Method (October 2023) — The course aims to discuss two methods in the field of discourse studies: Discourse-theoretical analysis (DTA) and Discursive-material analysis (DMA). Both are grounded in so-called high theory, with discourse theory as its main starting point, but with elements of actor-network theory and new materialism.

Webinar on Democracy and Media
IAMCR Webinar Series
Democracy and media: Reflections from around the world. A roundtable discussion
In this webinar, four communication and media studies scholars will reflect on the intersection of democracy and media using the recently published book “Democracy and Media in Europe: A Discursive-Material Approach”(*), authored by Nico Carpentier and Jeffrey Wimmer, as a source of inspiration.