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Culture and Communication Research Centre

The Culture and Communication Research Centre (CULCORC) is a research unit affiliated to the Institute of Communication Studies and Journalism at the Faculty of Social Sciences at Charles University in Prague. CULCORC was established in 2022, as part of the Institute’s CEMES research structure.

The objectives of CULCORC are to engage in, and facilitate, research on culture and communication, with an emphasis on the multitude of meaning-generating processes, enabled by communicational exchanges, the power dynamics that characterize them and the conflicts that surround them, the intersections with the material worlds of technologies and infrastructures, and with embodied practices and non-human realities.


CULCORC is a research unit affiliated to the Institute of Communication Studies and Journalism at the Faculty of Social Sciences at Charles University in Prague. Please visit here for more information.


We would love to hear from you. Whether you are curious about research or outputs, or you are looking for collaboration opportunities — we are ready to answer any and all questions.


CULCORC members come from various backgrounds and focus on diverse topics on media and communication studies.


CULCORC podcasts are dedicated to the exploration of the multifaceted landscape of culture and communication. Join us on this intellectual journey, and get ready for thought-provoking discussions.